Running Bespin on the Couch
Thursday May 21 2009
Sparked by a thread on the CouchDB Users mailing list with promises of beer and internet groupies, I've started a project to get Bespin running as a CouchApp on CouchDB. The long-term goal is to allow you to create and edit CouchApps from within Bespin, which is itself a CouchApp.
My first goal was to get Bespin's UI functioning as a CouchApp. Except for a few small things, that's already finished.
Here's a few screenshots of Bespin running as a CouchApp on my local CouchDB:
Over the next few days I'll be focusing on porting their filesystem implementation to CouchDB and CouchApp conventions. If you'd like to get involved, fork my bespin_couch project and have at it! Also, if anyone knows how I can make the GitHub repo track upstream changes from Bespin's Mercurial repo I'd like to get that setup so I'm not just working off of a snapshot.
I haven't had time to integrate Disqus with the blog yet so for now if you have any comments please send me a message on GitHub or a reply to @bbrowning on Twitter.